Welcome to Rowasher
The ROwasher is an innovative, new-to-the-market parts washer that delivers a powerful cleaning performance using bioremediation, and offers an alternative to solvent parts cleaning.
The ROwasher offers professional industrial partswashing and helps companies reduce the use of harsh chemicals in their cleaning processes. This safeguards the health and safety of our customers, whilst lowering their impact on the environment. Rozone is proud to work with a wide range of customers including Defence, Aerospace, Automotive, Plant Hire, Government and Municipal, Damage Restoration and many more. Our significant export business ensures that our UK-developed and manufactured technologies reach a global audience.
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Features, Advantages & Benefits
The ROwasher has been developed to provide the best possible cleaning performance, whilst allowing customers to save energy, reap environmental benefits and gives assurance that we have the users health & safety interests at the forefront of our innovation.

Key Benefits
- Solvent Free
- Non-flammable, non-hazardous degreasing solution
- Heated to 42ºC, better cleaning, more pleasant to use
- No monthly service contracts
- Reduced waste disposal costs
- Energy cost savings with built-in Eco-Mode
Environmental Benefits
- Lower Risk to the Environment
- No VOC emissions
- Non-toxic degreasing
- No “Solvent Emissions Directive”
- Simplified CoSHH reporting
- No contractors regularly visiting site
- Assists compliance with latest legislation such as ISO14001
Health & Safety Benefits
- No Risk to Employees
- Reduced PPE expenditure
- Non-flammable, non-toxic degreasing solution
- No vapours
- Heated to 42ºC, more pleasant to use
- Simplified CoSHH reporting
Click on the interactive ROwasher below to discover its exciting key features:

Robust double-skinned tank for strength & energy savings
The ROwasher has a double skinned tank designed to enhance the thermal properties of the machine and reduce energy consumption and evaporation. Its double wall adds strength and robustness to the machine. The ROwasher is designed for structural performance to withstand a considerable weight load of parts, compared to competitor machines. It will hold 150kg with ease.
Fully removable electronics module for easy maintenance
All the electrical parts of the ROwasher are housed in the control box unit. We have made this completely removable for maintenance ease and service and minimising the amount of WEEE disposal. The benefit to the customer is next day delivery of replacement part if you do experience machine failure. The unit can simply be swapped over by the customer without the need of a service callout and extended downtime while you wait for service engineer to attend
No oxygen pump required saving on machine running costs
Other parts washers need an oxygen pump to aid the bioremediation process. No oxygen pump is required in the ROwasher because we have specially chosen microbes that work on aerobic and anaerobic levels - we discovered in our comparative laboratory work that oxygen causes more sludge to be circulated through the solution.
Automatic energy saving mode
The ROwasher features an energy saving Eco Mode, where the temperature drops to 37°C when not in use (overnight and weekends). This not only saves on energy costs but we have now developed the ideal environment for the microbes to grow; an operating temperature of 42°C is great for cleaning but we have introduced microbes which thrive at lower temperatures too meaning healthy microbes that will best degrade the oil to ensure our customers achieve the best possible cleaning performance. We balance cleaning with the bioremediation to achieve the best results.
ROwasher not what you need? Take a look at our range of hotwashers
Automatic, aqueous cleaning machines. The aqueous parts washer cleans and dries parts providing an entirely automatic, cost effective and safe cleaning process.